If you need to contact us about your loan:
If you have any queries or would like to know more about our service then please email us using the helpdesk form below.
Please Note: If you have searched for finance via our website and have opted to proceed with a lenders offer then you need to contact them directly with any questions regarding your loans status, fees or regarding cancelation of your finance agreement. We will always attempt to help, however, due to the data protection act most questions need to be directed to, and answered by the finance company who accepted your application.
If you have any questions about our service please email us at:: questions@lolly.co.uk
If you need to make a complaint please email: compliancetuk@lolly.co.uk
Or send your complaint in writing to:
C/O T Dot UK Limited,
Suite A Floor 2,
Avalon, 26-32 Oxford Rd,
BH8 8EZ.
Tel: 01202 122280
Please note that you can contact us at any time however our office hours are:
9.00 - 17.00 - Monday to Friday
Our free online quote service is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.